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Anthony Ynohtna

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Arddangosfa amlddisgyblaethol yw AT EICH COED wedi ei chydlynu gan Pontio, Prifysgol Bangor a Chanolfan Ecoleg a Hydroleg y DU. Trwy amrywiaeth o osodiadau creadigol, gweithdai, sgyrsiau a pherfformiadau, mae'n plethu celf a gwyddoniaeth i gyfleu safbwyntiau amrywiol ar goed gan archwilio eu perthynas â phobl, bywyd gwyllt, a’r amgylchedd ehangach.

TREE SENSE is a multidisciplinary exhibition coordinated by Pontio, Bangor University and the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. Through a series of creative installations, discussions, workshops and performances, it communicates multiple perspectives on trees and inter-relationships with people, wildlife, and the wider environment.


Mae ‘Euler’ yn hongian ym mhrif atriwm Pontio, wedi ei greu o styllod pren sbriws sy’n ffurfio siâp helics. Wedi ei ddylanwadu gan batrymau ym myd natur, mathemateg a gwyddoniaeth, mae’n creu cysylltiadau rhyngddynt ac yn ein hatgoffa o bresenoldeb a dylanwad dynol ym mhob elfen o’n hamgylchedd ni.

‘Euler’ suspends in Pontio's main atrium, made of spruce posts which form a helix. The form is inspired by patterns found in nature, mathematics and science, and it connects them whilst reminding us of the presence and influence of humans in every aspect of our environment.

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