Bylchu | Breach
Mae Bylchu’n brosiect lle mae’r artistiaid yn pontio ar draws deuaidd fel iselder a lles, symudiad a llonyddwch, materoldeb ac ysbrydolrwydd, meddwl a chorff. Maent yn defnyddio arfer cydweithio i archwilio defnyddiau a ffurfiau, gan gynrychioli eu profiadau ond hefyd yn cynnig naratifau newydd a gofodau ar gyfer myfyrio ar y cyd.
Breach is a project through which the artists bridge across binaries like depression and wellbeing, movement and stillness, materiality and spirituality, mind and body. They use a collaborative working practice to explore materials and forms, representing their experiences but also proposing new narratives and spaces for collective reflection.
enw - y weithred neu ganlyniad o dorri; torri neu rwyg.
noun - the act or a result of breaking; break or rupture.
Cyfrwng Cymysg ar bapur | Mixed Media on bapur
Cyfrwng Cymysg ar gynfas | Mixed Media on canvas
Cyfrwng Cymysg ar frethyn | Mixed Media on cloth
Cyfrwng Cymysg ar bapur | Mixed Media on bapur