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Anthony Ynohtna

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Portreadau Pryder | Anxiety Portraits


Mae Portreadau Pryder yn gyfres barhaus o brintiau ffotograffeg sydd wedi’u hysbrydoli gan ffotograffau pasbort o aelodau teulu Ynohtna. Oherwydd eu canllawiau hynod o gaeth, mae llyniau pasbort yn aml yn ymddangos yn ddi-enaid, a dylanwadodd y nodwedd hon ar ei ddull o ddatblygu’r gyfres o ffotograffau. Mae Ynohtna yn ceisio archwilio a portreadu themâu hynod bersonol o drawma a thrais sydd fel arfer yn cael eu cuddio’n ddwfn y tu ôl i’r llygaid; gan ddod â’r brwydrau a brofir gan lawer yn eu bywydau dyddiol i’r amlwg.



Anxiety Portraits are an ongoing series of photographic prints inspired by passport photographs of Ynohtna's family members. Due to their notoriously strict guidelines, passport photos often appear 'soulless', this characteristic influenced his approach in developing the series of photographs. Ynohtna attempts to explore and portray deeply personal themes of trauma and violence that are usually hidden deep behind the eyes; bringing to light the struggles many experience in their daily lives.

Datguddiad | Unearth


Trwy dynnu ar gyffelybiaethau cynrychioliadol o emosiynau mewnol, absenoldeb a phresenoldeb, ac ymchwilio i atgofion unigol a chyfunol, gyda rhinweddau gweadol a chyffyrddol a geir mewn lleoliadau a gwrthrychau. Mae'r edafedd naratif hyn yn galluogi archwilio'r berthynas rhwng tirwedd a hunaniaeth.



Drawing upon representational parallels of inner emotions, absence and presence, and the re-searching of individual and collective memories, with textural and tactile qualities found in locations and objects. These narrative threads enable exploration into the relationship between landscape and identity.

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